Enter your username and password

A service has requested you to authenticate yourself. Please enter your username and password in the form below.

I've forgotten my password

Please try the 'Forgotten Password' link in account self-service.

Still need help?

Students, faculty and school staff, contact the CRIT Help Desk at (312) 345-3535.
Museum and admin staff, contact the TSS Help Desk at (312) 499-4000.

Protect your passwords and personal information

Be aware of phishing scams!
Never transmit usernames, passwords, birthdates, account numbers, social security numbers or other sensitive information through email.
Never respond to a request for you to do so regardless of how official the request appears.
No legitimate request will ask you to send such information via email.
Please forward all such requests to infosec@artic.edu for investigation.
For additional information regarding this and related topics please read this infosec page.