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John M. Flaxman Library SAIC School of the Art Institute of Chicago

How to Read Call Numbers

How to Read Call Numbers + Find Your Book

Parts of a Call Number

In the catalog, the call number looks like this: 
N8217 .H67 C53 2016

On the book's spine, the call number looks like this:


Reading a Call Number and Finding Your Book

  1. Start with the first letter(s)
  2. Walk along the rows of books, look at the labels posted on the end of each shelf (these are the call number ranges), and find where that letter would fall
  3. Next, look at the whole number before the decimal point and look at the end of each shelf with your letter(s) to find the exact aisle you need
  4. Once you've found those letters and numbers, skim the books's spines in that aisle until you're close to your call number
    - Anywhere you see a space in your call number means it will be a new row on the column
    - The numbers after the first whole number are decimals (not whole numbers)
    - You may have to pull out thin books to see their label on the front

  5. When you start to see the area where your book should be, remember: the row has columns with shelves, and these columns are organized in a zig zag formation that starts at the top of a section and goes down


When in doubt, ask anyone at the front desk for help!