Taking note of the following elements as you find things will help when it comes time to finish your citations!
Take Note
MLA - 8th Ed.
For this style: Double-spaced and hanging indent in the works cited page. This is an example of a podcast with a single known host. For more extensive advice, see the Purdue Online Writing Lab’s MLA Works Cited Page: Other Common Sources page.
Host Last, Host First. "Title of Episode." Title of Overall Podcast, Episode Number, Title of Hosting Site if Different from Podcast Title, Day Mon. Year of episode, URL. Accessed Day Mon. Year.
Vo, Cathy. "Back to School, But Not Back to Normal, Self Evident: Asian America's Stories, 23, 23 Nov. 2021, https://selfevidentshow.com/episode-23. Accessed 22 Jun. 2022.
APA - 7th Ed.
For this style: Double-spaced and hanging indent in the references page. This is an example of a podcast with a single known host. For more extensive advice, see section 10.13 in Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition.
Host Last, Host First Initial (Host). (Year, Month Day of episode). Title of episode (No. Episode Number) [Audio podcast episode]. In Title of overall podcast. Title of hosting site if different from podcast title. URL
Vo, Cathy (Host). (2021, November 23). Back to school, but not back to normal (No. 23) [Audio podcast episode]. In Self Evident: Asian America's Stories. https://selfevidentshow.com/episode-23.
Chicago - 17th Ed.
For this style: Single-spaced (with blank space between each citation) and hanging indent in the bibliography. This is an example of a podcast with a single known host. For more extensive advice, see section 14.267 in The Chicago Manual of Style Online.
Host Last, Host First, host. “Title of Episode.” Produced by Producer First Name Last Name. Title of Overall Podcast. Month Day, Year of episode. Podcast, Episode length in 00:00 format. URL.
Vo, Cathy, host. "Back to School, But Not Back to Normal." Produced by Julia Shu and James Boo. Self Evident: Asian America's Stories. November 23, 2021. Podcast, 40:08. https://selfevidentshow.com/episode-23.