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John M. Flaxman Library SAIC School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Visual & Critical Studies Research Guide

Where to Find Visual & Critical Studies Articles


Suggested readings: Visual Culture

Suggested readings: Panopticism, Birth of the Museum, Flaneur

Suggested readings: On Photography

Suggested readings: The Gaze (Gender/Race)


Print or digital journals on visual culture at the Flaxman Library:

Cultural Studies (London, England: Online) (1987- ) SAIC login required
Discourse: Berkeley Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture (Online) (1979- ) SAIC login required
Journal of Visual Culture (2002-2020) (Print copies in Flaxman & Ryerson)
October (1976- ) (Print & Online copies in Flaxman & Ryerson)
Representations (1983- ) (Print copies in Flaxman & Ryerson)
SubStance (Online)  (1971- ) (Flaxman)
Third Text (1987- ) (Print & Online copies in Flaxman & Ryerson)
Visual Anthropology (Online) (2005- ) (Flaxman)

Print journals relevant to visual culture outside of Flaxman Library:

Texte zur Kunst (1990- ) [German] (Ryerson)
Visual Arts and Culture (1998-2000) (Ryerson)
Word and Image (1985- ) (Ryerson & Columbia College)

Other Journals to find relevant articles in visual and critical studies:
copies of articles from these journals can be requested using Flaxman's Interlibrary Loan Request form

Visual Studies (2002- ) (NIU) is a continuation of Visual Sociology Review (1986-2001), making its new name somewhat misleading.
Transcript: A Journal of Visual Culture (1996-1999) is the work of a group at the University of Dundee, Scotland
Invisible Culture (1998- ) is published by a group at the University of Rochester
M/C Journal (1998- ) is put out by the Media and Culture Studies Centre at the University of Queensland
Modernity: Critiques of Visual Culture (1999-2005) edited by Stephen Eskilson at Eastern Illinois University
Glossen (1997- ) a peer-reviewed bilingual journal of German art since World War II.
Parallax: A Journal of Metadiscursive Theory and Cultural Practices (1995- )(Northwestern)
Visual Anthropology Review (1991- ) (U of C, UIUC, SIU), published by the University of California at Los Angeles¹s Center for Visual Anthropology)

Older literary-critical and cultural studies journals such as contain occasional articles of relevance to visual culture:
Social Text (1979- ) (Columbia, UIUC, NIU)

The field of visual culture is not often described as such in non-English publications. Much of the same material, however, is covered in journals such as:
Kritische Berichte (1973- ).

In Scandinavia there are several journals on visual culture:
Øjeblikket: Tidsskrift for Visuelle Kulturer (The Moment: Journal for Visual Cultures),

​These include some English articles:
Periskop: Forum for kunsthistorisk debat 
Passepartout: Skrifter for kunsthistorie (University of Århus)

Several special issues of other journals dedicated to visual culture, such as:
Agora [Norway] no. 2-3 (2001), and
Kunsthistorisk Tidskrift [does have English].
Erste Hilfe, Anyp, and Argument (1959- ) [German]
Agalm [Italian]