Check out our How to Request Unavailable Resources page for instructions to identify your options. If it's an a book that isn't in I-Share or an article that isn't in the Library Search, fill out the Interlibrary Loan form next. Physical items usually arrive in 1-2 weeks, PDFs take a few days!
Use the search box below to search almost everything the library has to offer, or visit the library homepage. Checkout the How to Find Articles page in this guide for step-by-step directions.
Consider these pre-made searches for Art History: contemporary art history | decolonizing art history | Chicago art history
Sometimes it is beneficial to go straight to databases focusing on the subject you're researching. To see a full list of databases for Art History - check out our Databases A-Z: Art History list. These databases are some of your best bets:
Includes the full-text of many contemporary art magazines (e.g., Artforum International) plus scholarly journals in the visual and performing arts, literature and the humanities.
Citations, abstracts, and full-text coverage for over 780 publications on the subjects of art and art history, antiquities, archaeology, design, architecture, film, and other related subjects. Includes the entirety of the Art Full Text database.
Artstor is on the JSTOR platform effective 8/1/24. Digital image gallery with millions of images of works of art from museums, galleries, and private collections, including the Art Institute of Chicago. Artstor also includes AIC Collections, images curated by the Flaxman Library specifically for use in teaching and research at SAIC. Click here for tips on how to use Workspace for organizing images.
Consider exploring these journals relevant to Art History to read current conversations and get inspiration! You can also explore more journals and magazines using the search box.
First issue 1962 through 2020. Cover to cover scanned issues.
Art History Literature Indexes
Citations from a wide range of international art journals, giving general coverage of most art topics and periods.