37 S Wabash, Room 1003
Chicago, IL 60603
Phone: 312-759-1646
Email: saic-textileresourcecenter@saic.edu
Website: saic.edu/trc
Instagram: @trc_saic
As a haptic collection, the TRC offers unique learning opportunities for visitors seeking insight into textile techniques and opportunities to observe various materials’ natures. Click here to learn more about our collections and how to search for materials.
The TRC offers several visit options including: general introductions to the TRC, viewing a curated selection of materials relevant to your course/project/research, inspiration seeking, and general research. The TRC can host up to 15 guests at a time; larger groups can schedule multiple visits. All appointments can be booked using the Visit Request Form.
During a general introduction appointment a TRC staff member will take around 15 - 30 minutes to give a presentation on the TRC. Information will include what the TRC is, how to access it, what the collection contains and how it is organized, etc. With the remaining scheduled time, the group can then ask any questions and explore the collection. A general assortment of objects and books will be prepared for the group ahead of time and can be tailored to any specific requests included in the visit request.
During a curated selection appointment, TRC staff will have a selection of objects and/or books set prepared for the group based on information provided in the visit request. Selections may focus on specific materials, techniques, artists, etc.
Inspiration seeking and general research appointments are often scheduled by small groups or individuals working on particular projects, but can be scheduled for classes as well. For these appointments materials can be pulled ahead of time for the visitor(s) or the time can just be reserved with TRC staff being available to assist as visitor(s) require.
If you’d like to schedule a visit that does not fit into one of these categories, there is an ‘other’ option in the visit request form where you can provide more information about what kind of visit you are looking to schedule.