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John M. Flaxman Library SAIC School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Where to Find Resources (by type)

Artstor is a collection of over 2.5 million images of art from museums and galleries around the world. Included in this collection are SAIC Collections, which features thousands of images exclusive to the SAIC community, digitized by faculty request for use in instruction and research. Those images can be found in the SAIC Art and Art History Visual Resources Collection, SAIC History Collection, and The Roger Brown Study collection. They can be browsed after logging in to Artstor and going to Browse > Institutional Collections. They will also come up in the results of any Artstor search as well. You can also browse groups of images curated by SAIC Faculty by going to Browse > Groups and clicking on Institutional.

Faculty who would like assistance with Artstor and other resources to show images in the classroom contact Flaxman Librarians at 

Artstor Help Guide

Searching in Artstor

There is a quick search box on the home page (Search Artstor...). Below the search box is a link to Advanced Search.

You can search within your search results. On any search results page, next to the search box, you’ll see a checkbox that reads Search within results. Checking this box and then entering a new word or words in the search box will perform that search within your current results. You can keep adding terms to narrow down your results to find the images you need.

Filtering Search Results

On any search results page, in the left column you will see options to filter or narrow your results:

  • by Collection Type (if for instance want to just see the images that we have uploaded into SAIC Collections)
  • by Geography (broad geographic regions)
  • by Classification (broad genre types like Architecture or Paintings)
  • by Date (you can enter a start and end year to view by date range)

Once you have applied a filter you can remove it by clicking the X next to the now highlighted term. You can add or remove several filters at a time, as long as they apply to material in the results.

Artstor Help Guide

Viewing an Image

When you find an image that you wish to view in your search results just click the thumbnail once and Artstor will go to a new page with the image viewer and the metadata viewer built in.

On the left side you will see the image and tools for exploring it.

  • By default your cursor will let you move the image around (the arrow/cross icon, click and hold)
  • To the upper left of the image you’ll see four icons to let you further explore (if you don’t see them, simply move your mouse over the image and they’ll appear)
  • The magnifying glass with the + will magnify the image.
  • The magnifying glass with the - will reduce it in size
  • The box with two arrows in the middle will center and revert the image to its original size.
  • The two diagonal arrows will take you to a full screen viewer that shows just the image with a black background.

Along the right-hand side of the page you’ll see the full metadata for the image as well as some action links.

Link will provide you with a URL that will link directly back to this image. You can email this link or paste it into a web page.

  • Download will download a full resolution copy of the image. Your first download in a session will bring up the "Terms and Conditions of Use" window, but after that downloads will begin immediately.
  • NOTE: To download and save a portion of an image simply click to zoom in the section you wish. Then select DOWNLOAD which allows to download the full image (Download Item) or the portion you've zoomed in (Download detail view).
  • Print Preview will open up a new page with a medium view of the image and its metadata on a clean background so that the information can be printed.

Two Final Things About This Page

  1. You will see < and > icons next to the name of the image at the top of the page. Clicking on these will navigating you to the next or previous image in your search results.
  2. The Back to Results link at the upper left will take you back to the search results that brought you to this image. It will take you back to the results even if you have navigated forward or backward in the search results.

Artstor Help Guide

Image Groups

How to access them, how to add images to them, how to download them, etc. You will need to register for an account and login to utilize these features.

Getting To Your Image Groups

From the home page you can get to the list of image Groups, including yours along the top of the page under Browse. After clicking Browse, you will see a link for Groups. Clicking this will bring you to the My Groups page. You can also select our Institutional Collections from the drop-down menu.

Groups Page

In the left side of the Groups page you’ll see a column of links. These are the main categories of image groups.

  1. Private are the image groups that you have created but have not made public.
  2. Institutional are the image groups that are available for viewing by anyone at SAIC. This is the same category that you are able to put images into when you want to share them with your class or with the whole school. This will include groups you have created as well as groups created by other staff, faculty, or students.
  3. Shared With Me are private image groups created by another SAIC community member that you have been given specific permission to view.
  4. Artstor Curated are image groups created by Artstor by category or artist.
  5. Search (box at the top of the page) lets you search image groups by keyword, along with filtering the results by the categories in the left column.

Image groups are displayed in the same fashion in all five categories. Let's examine Private:

  • Image groups are no longer organized in Folders, but that same terminology is now Tags.
  • In the middle of the page you’ll see a list of all available image groups, organized alphabetically, along with arrows to navigate page by page if you have a large number of groups.
  • On the left side you’ll see your tags. If you have used Artstor in the past, your current tags are based on the names of the folders that you had your image groups in previously.
  • Clicking on any tag will filter the list to just those groups that have that tag applied to them (note that you can have multiple tags applied to a single image group).
  • Clicking on the name of the image group will take you to that group.

Artstor Video Guide | Artstor Help Guide

Managing Image Groups

When you are viewing one of your image groups, you’ll see the familiar thumbnail view of search results and previous installations. At the top of the images you’ll see the name of the group and to the right you’ll see a list of the applied tags and a description, if you created one. You can view and browse through the images as described previously from search results.

Editing your group:

  • If you want to reorder the images in the group, click the Reorder link at the top of the thumbnails. When that is selected you can move the images around in their order by dragging the thumbnails. You can then either Save Order to save your changes or Cancel Reorder to return to the main view.
  • If you wish to edit the name, description, tags, or permissions of an image group go to the top Organize menu and select Edit Group Info from the drop-down menu.
  • In this window you can edit the title or description in their respective text boxes.
  • You can change permissions from This Institution (to allow viewing by all SAIC community) or Only Me (to keep it private)
  • And you can add whatever text tags you want to keep help you organize and identify the image group.
  • NOTE: We recommend adding your name as one of the tags, especially if you are going to make it public. Public groups may also want the name of your class or other identifiers to help students find it.


The Select link above the thumbnails will allow you to select individual images for either download or reorder.


Video Guide | Artstor Help: Download To Power Point | Artstor Help: Download As Zip File

The Export link is how you will download the images in your group, either as a folder of images (zip) or a Power Point presentation.

  1. Clicking on either option will first bring up the familiar Export/Download Guidelines box that reminds you of the terms of use and how many images you have left to download in a 120 day period.
  2. Selecting:
    • PowerPoint will download the image group as a Power Point presentation. This .pptx file will be saved to your default download location and will be formatted with the same one page to a page/black background/metadata in the notes format that you are familiar with.
    • ZIP File will download all the images in the image group into a single folder compressed as a zip file. It will be saved to your default download location and will automatically unzip if your system is setup to do that. Otherwise just double-click on the icon to unzip. The folder of images will have each image saved as a jpeg along with an html file with the metadata, each image numbered in the order they are in the image group.
  3. You can also download the image group by going to the top Share menu and selecting Export Group from the drop-down, selecting either PowerPoint or Zip.

Artstor Help Guide

Adding Images to an Artstor Group

As mentioned earlier, you can add images to an image group from both the Full Image page and the Search Results/Image Group page. 

Adding From Full Image Page

When on the Full Image page, if you want to add the current image to an image group click the orange Add to Group button above the metadata on the right side of the page.

  • Add Item or Add detail view pops up.
  • To add to an existing group, you can either start to type in the text box, and it will try to match the text to an existing group of yours, or select one from the groups that appear under the Search groups by title or
  • Click ADD to save the image to the group.
  • You will now be on the Full Image page of the image you added

Adding From Search Results

If you are on a search results page, or any image group page, and you want to add one or a selection of images to a group you can do this using the Select button and the Organize menu item.

  • Clicking Select will let you click to select any single, or multiple, thumbnails on the page that you wish to add to a group.
  • When you have selected the images you wish to add go up to the Organize menu and select either Save Selections to New Group or Save Selections to Existing Group and proceed as above.
  • PRO TIP: this is the easiest way to create a new group.