Sometimes it is beneficial to go straight to databases focusing on the subject you're researching. To see a full list of databases for current and historic news - check out our Databases A-Z: News + Newspapers list. These databases are some of your best bets:
Searchable full text (no images) of the print and online editions of the Chicago Tribune. Also available: Today's newspaper and online edition (blog, podcast, website).
Searchable full text (no images) of the print and online editions of the LA Times. Includes today's news.
Searchable full text (no images) of the East Coast and Online editions of the New York Times newspaper. Also available: Today's newspaper, NYT Online (blog, podcast, website), NYT Magazine, and NYT Book Review.
Complete page images of the Chicago Tribune, Chicago Daily Tribune and the Chicago Press and Tribune.
Full text articles from the LA Times dating from the first issue in 1881. Includes full page with images.
Full text articles (includes full page with images) from the New York Times dating from the first issue in 1851, excludes last three years to present.
Full text articles from the Wall Street Journal dating from the first issue in 1889. Includes full page with images.
Full text articles from the Washington Post newspaper dating from the first issue in 1877. Includes full page with images.
Searchable archives of digitized newspapers including the Village Voice.
Open access digital collection of alternative press newspapers, magazines and journals, drawn from the special collections of many libraries.
American Prison Newspapers brings together hundreds of newspapers published within prisons by incarcerated people over the past 200 years. When complete, the collection will contain newspapers from prisons in every state, representing penal institutions of all kinds, including women-only institutions.