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Indexes scholarly and trade articles, many full text, in all academic subjects: arts & literature, humanities, social sciences, education, computer sciences, language, linguistics, medicine, ethnic studies and more. 1975 to the present.
Includes the full-text of many contemporary art magazines (e.g., Artforum International) plus scholarly journals in the visual and performing arts, literature and the humanities.
Citations, abstracts, and full-text coverage for over 780 publications on the subjects of art and art history, antiquities, archaeology, design, architecture, film, and other related subjects. Includes the entirety of the Art Full Text database.
First issue 1962 through 2020. Cover to cover scanned issues.
Searchable full text (no images) of the print and online editions of the Chicago Tribune. Also available: Today's newspaper and online edition (blog, podcast, website).
Many issues digitized cover-to-cover from 1959 to 2008.
Covers all aspects of television and film, including theory, preservation & restoration, writing, production, cinematography, technical aspects, and reviews.
This resource provides nearly 550 scholarly full text journals focusing on many medical disciplines.
Full coverage of Life Magazine from its first issue in November 1936 until December 2000. Includes all front and back covers, articles, advertisements, and photographs from the original publications.
Searchable full text (no images) of the print and online editions of the LA Times. Includes today's news.
Searchable full text (no images) of the East Coast and Online editions of the New York Times newspaper. Also available: Today's newspaper, NYT Online (blog, podcast, website), NYT Magazine, and NYT Book Review.
Browseable and searchable content from the American fashion magazine Vogue, including covers. 1892 to the present.