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John M. Flaxman Library SAIC School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Library Search Help Guide

How to Filter Results


1. Go to the Library homepage at
2. Type your keywords in the search box and click Go
3. Sign in using your ARTIC username and password
4. The filters are located on the left sidebar under areas like Availability, Resource Type, Subject, Location, etc.
    -Click the arrows next to each area to expand what filters are available
5. Click an item in the list to turn on that filter (i.e. Available online under Availability)
6. Filters that are turned on will appear in the Active filters area at the top of the left sidebar
    In the Active filters area, you can:
    - Turn off individual filters by clicking the x next to the filter's title
    - Lock individual filters by clicking the lock icon next that appears when you hover over it's title
    - Turn off all filters by clicking Reset filters
    - Lock all filters by clicking Remember all filters
**Remember that filters reset when you conduct a new search unless they are locked using the methods above.**