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John M. Flaxman Library SAIC School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Library Search Help Guide


Go to the Library homepage at

Select the pink Library Account button, just below the search box

A new page will open, and you will have two options:

  • If you are a current student, select "Artic Login" and enter your ARTIC username and password
  • If you are a guest or alumni, select "Guest/Alumi Login" and enter credentials that the library has provided you

Select your name in the upper right hand corner and a dropdown menu will appear

Select the Library Card link, and you will be brought to your library account homepage

From here you will be able to see Flaxman Library items that are checked out, items that are overdue, as well as renew items

Change All Institutions in the left column dropdown to Has Activity to see I-Share items that are checked out or overdue; I-Share items can be renewed from each I-Share library