1. Navigate to the library homepage at www.saic.edu/library. Once there, use the search box to being your research.
2. This will bring you to a results page. Before scrolling through your results, click Sign In and enter your ARTIC username and password.
3. To narrow your results to just Flaxman Library materials, use the dropdown menu arrow on the right side of the search bar. Select Flaxman Catalog. Now select the magnifying glass to redo your search, and your results will only list materials from Flaxman Library.
4. Select an item that you are interested in that has "Available at the Main Library" status and click the link. Watch out for items that say IN LIBRARY USE ONLY, as those items cannot be requested for pickup Note: for these items or items that are Unavailable, check out our Requesting Materials from I-Share page to see how to get those items from other institutions.
5. This will open a side pane that will give you more information about the item, as well as a link to request it. To place a request, select the Request from Flaxman link under the Get It heading.
6. This will open a form that is mostly pre-populated. The default pickup location is School of the Art Institute. There is no need to make changes, select the Send Request link at the bottom of the form.
If your request was successful you should see a confirmation notification.
You can check the status of your request at anytime by navigating to your library account in the top right hand corner and selecting My Requests.
This will bring you to a page with all of the requests on your account, as well as their status. Once the item is ready to be picked up, you will get an email notification!
7. You'll receive an email ("Item(s) ready for pickup"). Come to the Flaxman Library with your ARTIC ID and check out your materials.