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Learn & Unlearn: Anti-racism Resource Guide

Lesson 1: What is the BLM movement?

Original post on @saic.maffairs posted 10/23/2020.

Foundation: Power

What is the BLM Movement?

#BlackLivesMatter was created In 2013, taking from a love note from Alicia Garza addressed to all Black people in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer, George Zimmerman. Patrisse Khan-Cullors added the hashtag, and Opal Tometi created a Black-centered movement as part of a larger movement for Black liberation.1 #BlackLivesMatter is a decentralised political and social movement that demands racial equality for all Black people, opposes all forms of racism, creates space for Black creativity and leadership, and centers Black joy and liberation.2,3

#BlackLivesMatter isn’t just a statement, It is a call to action. 


“The Black Lives Matter Movement is a testament to the fact that courage is contagious,”-  Opal Tometi 4

To Read

Flaxman Library Materials - May take up to 3 days from request to pickup. Instructions are available here.
I-Share Books - May take up to 10 days from request to pickup. Instructions are available here.

To Research

To Listen

To Watch

To Follow

Stat @stattheartist
Devon @devthepineapple
Alicia Garza @chasinggarza
Opal Tometi @opalayo 
Patrisse Cullors @osopepatrisse 
Black Lives Matter @blklivesmatter

To Reflect

#BlackLivesMatter isn’t a statement as much as it is a call to action. How are your personal actions validating and affirming of Black lives?
How is your action investing in the joy and future of Black lives?
How is your activism coordinated and inspired by the leaders of #BlackLivesMatter?

To Act

You, your family, friends, and community, need to VOTE, vote early, or vote by mail. Check your status here
Join the movement in the fight for Freedom, Liberation, and Justice at Sign up for updates, support the work, wear official gear, follow BlackLivesMatter on social media, and donate to fund the movement. 
Disrupt the spread of misinformation about the Black Lives Matter Movement. You can defend #BlackLivesMatter from disinformation by reporting suspicious or fraudulent sites here.


Works Cited

  1. Patrisse Khan-Cullors, “We didn’t start a movement. We started a network,” Medium, February 22 2016.
  2. Herstory,” BlackLivesMatter, accessed October 2020.
  3. About,” BlackLivesMatter, accessed October 2020.
  4. Opal Tometi (opalayo), “The Black Lives Matter Movement is a testament to the fact that courage is contagious,” Instagram, image, May 2020.