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Learn & Unlearn: Anti-racism Resource Guide

Lesson 1: Health & Wellness

Original post on @saic.maffairs posted 11/7/2020.

What Does Self-Care Look Like in 2020?

We are in a state of worry, anxiety, and fatigue. For Black, Brown, Indigenous, and other People of Color, this is not a new or unfamiliar state. Everyday is an uphill battle to care for ourselves amidst a society to fosters insecurity, perpetuates marginalization, and invalidates lived experiences. So why does self-care matter more in 2020? Because by loving, affirming, validating, and caring for ourselves, we are opposing this cultural norm and we are prioritizing our own wellness. Now especially, self-care is vital, it is counter-culture, it is political, and it is radical.1

So what does self-care look like?
Wellness is defined as “the active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health.2

This varies from person to person but can include:

  • Taking a walk outside
  • Reading a good book
  • Writing in a journal
  • Exercising
  • Staying hydrated
  • Getting enough sleep or taking naps
  • Listen to music that makes you feel better
  • Playing an instrument
  • Drinking some tea
  • Talking to friends


"Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare" - Audre Lorde

To Read

Flaxman Library Materials - Instructions to request books are available here.
I-Share Books - May take up to 5 days from request to pickup. Instructions are available here

To Research

To Listen

To Watch

To Follow


To Reflect

Have you checked in with yourself today? Mentally, Physically, Emotionally? 
Have you made time to do things you enjoy doing?
Have you taken time to take a breath today

To Act

Never be afraid or feel ashamed to seek help from anyone, use your community resources is possible. 
National Queer and trans therapists of color network:
Online mental health therapy for marginalized & intersectional communities:


Works Cited

  1. SooJin Pate, “The Radical Politics of Self-Love and Self-Care,” Feminist Wire, April 30, 2014.
  2. What Is Wellness?,” Global Wellness Institute, May 14, 2019.