As we in our role as faculty envision and create innovative, critical, and creative courses that use a variety of resources, tools, and tutorials. Moving forward we believe that as a community of artists, designers, scholars, and educators we will be able to rise to the challenge to provide our students and ourselves time and spaces - online and in person - to think, discuss, and make work that contributes to our shared world.
In this section, you will find a number of resources to help you prepare yourself, your course, and your students. Each of our courses has unique characteristics, creative challenges, and opportunities to make the best of our new educational and artistic realities. These resources are meant to be a jumping off point that we all can remix, revise, and retool for our own purposes as we see fit.
Key things to remember in all of this preparation are:
- We are one another's best resources. We have dedicated colleagues - faculty, staff, and administrators - who are willing and able to help in this process that is new for many.
- We are in this together so if you are having a challenge or have an idea, please share it with everyone.
- These are challenging circumstances, so remember to be kind to yourself, one another, and your students as we prepare for a changed educational dynamic.
--Thanks to from Adam J. Greteman, Ph.D., Director, Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) and Assistant Professor for this language