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Faculty Guide for Online Teaching

Sample Projects + Lesson Plans

A Note: We have compiled a Google Doc of projects, assignments, lesson plans and resources that have been openly shared by instructors around the world. All content is reproduced here with the permission of the original creator, who is listed whenever possible. We will be constantly updating this document as new resources are shared, so check back often. If you have suggestions, please share them with us via this submission form. Questions? Email Mackenzie Salisbury, 

Click here to view the Sample Projects + Lesson Plans Google Doc

.Example Canvas Assignments / Modules.

In seminar classes for Low Res we work on an alternating weeks "material distribution / student response" schedule.

  • One week is reserved for distributing reading materials (in whatever way teachers prefer) with the expectation that students will take that 1st week to go over that material and draft a response.
  • The next week is reserved for posting those student responses via a discussion board. *To address time zones, availability, etc., we create a window of 3 days over which responses are to be posted to the board. We encourage replies to the discussion board threads during this time as well, and we set aside another couple of days to allow for another round of replies before the board is closed. This makes it possible for students situated around the world to respond at a reasonable time and gives all course members (including the instructor) time to read and respond to all posts.
  • We also create these time chunks in order to ensure that reply threads simulate a discussion without allowing the threads to go on for more than a week (because we ultimately need to move on to another discussion). Each teacher tweaks this in their own way. 

For Remote Studio Practices, followed the seminar model (above)

  • I asked students to distribute their materials to the class during the 1st week.
  • I set aside the 2nd week for feedback and critique from the rest of the class. Only 2 students presented work per 2-week cycle so each cycle would be manageable. I also changed the critique prompts… some are creative writing prompts, some required that respondent submit voice recordings to allow for more organic responses, etc.
  • We also require teachers to check in with students a number of times during the semester in 1-on-1 meetings. Because I'm teaching a studio class this semester, I'm planning to use those 1-on-1's to troubleshoot projects and connect with students. Zoom is a great tool for these meetings.

Online critique based classes

One example, from Lee Blalock:

  • I would assign certain students to respond to specific projects and give them prompts.
  • These were posted on the discussion board with other details.
  • This assignment method worked and during the second round of responses anyone could chime in on anything so no one felt censored. (So for example, I'd designate a few days for the assigned responses and then a couple days after that for anyone to chime in.) 
  • For my studio class now, I'm thinking of offering this option as well - assigning students to give feedback to specific students - hoping that this may get everyone involved while putting a cap on contact hours.

--Generously shared by Lee Blalock on the Canvas Discussion Thread

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